Mental Health of Teacher Educators of CCS University

Mental Health of Teacher Educators of CCS University

Author Details

1. Seema Rani, Assistant Professor. New Era College of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad

Mental health is controversial issue, based upon the philosophical premises of separation of mind and body. Since early times, teaching has been regarded as one of the noblest professions. The values of teachers and their professional concern with the work have forcibly undergone a drastic change as a result of the shifting socio-economic environment and rising unemployment, their emotional health in some way. Numerous personal and professional demands have been found to have an impact on a teacher’s degree of mental health. Teachers’ wellbeing in the areas of social, physical, and emotional health contributes to both their personality and professional growth and development. They have additionally been regarded as a nation’s builders of the future. Keeping these facts into the consideration, present study aimed to access the level of personal mental health of school teachers, particularly those who work in the public and self-finance sector schools. Survey method has been employed and 72 male and female teacher educators were randomly selected. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and to find the differences for gender and locations t- test was applied. The t-values reveals that no significant gender differences exist among government teacher’s educators and male, Female Teacher educators. Additionally, teachers posted at schools located under urban area and rural areas did not significantly differ on their mental health.


Mental health, Gender, Teacher Educators: Regular, Self-finance Urban, Rural

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