Teacher Collaboration: A Comprehensive Systematic Review

Teacher Collaboration: A Comprehensive Systematic Review

Author Details

1. Mr. Lal Bahadur, Head of the Department, Institute of Professional Studies, Ghaziabad, U.P.
2. Mr. Mohit Bharti, Assistant Professor, Institute of Professional Excellence and Management, Ghaziabad, U.P.

This paper conducts an in-depth systematic review encompassing 82 carefully selected studies, employing predefined criteria and a narrative review method to thematically synthesize insights. The primary objective of this review is threefold: firstly, to present a comprehensive overview of the terminological framework employed in past research to delineate teacher collaboration. The spectrum of collaboration is depicted as a continuum, ranging from loose aggregates of individuals to robust team collaboration, conceptualized as the degree of team Entitativity. Secondly, the study explores the nuances of collaboration, delving into the focus and depth of collaborative efforts, unraveling crucial facets that offer varied opportunities for collaborative learning. Thirdly, despite the inherent challenges in realizing effective teacher collaboration, the review delineates a host of benefits accrued to students, teachers, and the school ecosystem. Moving beyond the surface, the review unfolds the intricacies of collaborative learning, shedding light on the multifaceted dimensions of collaboration within the educational sphere. It underscores the criticality of understanding collaboration not as a singular concept but as a gradient of team Entitativity, thereby paving the way for a more nuanced comprehension of collaborative dynamics. Furthermore, the review navigates through the impediments and facilitators of effective teacher collaboration, pinpointing key factors that influence the success or failure of collaborative initiatives. By illuminating these critical elements, the paper offers actionable insights for educators, policymakers, and school administrators seeking to foster a culture of effective collaboration. This exploration of impediments and facilitators serves as a roadmap for educators to navigate the challenges inherent in collaborative endeavors while maximizing the potential benefits. In the broader context, the paper emphasizes the pivotal role of effective teacher collaboration in transforming schools into learning organizations. Acknowledging the increasing societal importance of collaboration, the review advocates for leveraging education as a model for collaborative practices, ensuring that students are adequately prepared for the collaborative demands of the future.


Teacher Collaboration, Team Entitativity, Collaborative Learning, Educational Benefits, Facilitating Factors, Hindering Factors, Learning Organizations.

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Bahadur, Lal & Bharti, Mohit Kumar (2024). Teacher Collaboration: A Comprehensive Systematic Review. IPEM JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN TEACHER EDUCATION, 9(1), 27-34.