A Study of Bio-Diversity Act in India
A Study of Bio-Diversity Act in India
Vol 6 , Issue 1 , December 2022 | Pages: 63-66
DOI: 10.61691/IPEM_Law.6.2022.63.66
Published Online: December, 2022
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India woke up to the potential of its immense bio-heritage and took steps to safeguard it by enacting several laws including Biodiversity Act. This is the time to find innovative solutions for conserving biodiversity and to provide effectual revenue models for native populations instead of just passing laws which are good on paper but remain toothless. The onus of safeguarding biodiversity is not just on Government or indigenous communities but on all of us as this is our common heritage. Policies are implemented in true spirit only when there is widespread knowledge about them. This paper explains in brief the concepts of ownership of biodiversity, factors responsible for its loss, economic advantage, access and benefits sharing, legislative measures and suggests ways of conserving biodiversity.
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Bhargava. (December,2022). A Study of Bio-Diversity Act in India. IPEM LAW JOURNAL, 6, 62-65.