Environmental Protection through Energy Legislation in India – Challenges for Present and Future

Environmental Protection through Energy Legislation in India – Challenges for Present and Future

Author Details

1. Mr. Ashutosh Kumar,Assistant Professor, Amity Law School, Patna, Amity University, Patna

Entire world is grappling with effect of Climate Change which has adversely affected our environment including flora and fauna. One of the major challenges in way of environmental protection is how to achieve sustainable management of energy. As burning of fossil fuel (energy) contribute to climate change which adds high rate of carbon emission in atmosphere. In India more than 80% of energy requirement is supplied through fossil fuel non-conventional source) of energy. For developing countries like India protection of environment and energy access is major challenge due to growing population and rapid economic growth which ask for uncompromising need for energy. India has plethora of environmental legislations for protection of the environment which is still not complete unless it push our energy legislation towards sustainable clean energy source. In December 2015 Paris agreement was drafted and on 22 April it is open for ratification which promises every country to use clean and green energy. India with ambition to achieve task clean and green energy has also signed and submitted its INDC to UNFCCC which contains energy legislation and policy to achieve clean and green energy to reduce carbon emissions. This paper venture to answer the question that how energy legislation in India attempts to protect environment and how Paris agreement promises can be achieved through these legislations. It explores whether energy legislation supports environmental laws to protect environment. This paper highlights whether the energy laws in India is in consonance with environmental laws or not? To fulfill the promise of Paris Agreement and to protect environment in order to provide clean and healthy environment to the citizens of India depends on how energy legislation can solve issue of climate change and meets energy requirement of billion people which is matter of great challenge for present and future.


intended nationally determined contributions, paris agreement, conventional, energy conservation, greenhouse gases emission, clean energy.
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Kumar. (December,2022). Environmental Protection through Energy Legislation in India – Challenges for Present and Future. IPEM LAW JOURNAL, 6, 9-12.