International Trade and Environmental Protection
International Trade and Environmental Protection
Vol 6 , Issue 1 , December 2022 | Pages: 1-08
DOI: 10.61691/IPEM_Law.6.2022.1-8
Published Online: December, 2022
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Regional economics has focused predominantly on the commercial exchange between regions and countries, but it has only recently become clear that environmental concerns can also be studied in the context of regional economies. Thus, the goal of this study is to give a broad review of the key topics relating to the economic interconnections between trade and environmental policies. Not only is global trade growing quickly, but trade-related global industrialisation and regional economic expansion have also led to serious environmental damage. The purpose of this paper is to provide a perspective on current and upcoming research by employing a dual approach: first, economic studies of the most important environmental and trade issues are examined, and second, the development of the methodologies required to examine their interactions is assessed. The study provides some helpful recommendations for future trade discussions on how to balance trade and the environment. The study provides some helpful recommendations for future trade discussions on how to balance trade and the environment. Conflicts between MEAs and WTO rules, while possible, have not yet materialised. To oversee worldwide environmental law and represent environmental concerns within the context of international trade, a World Environmental Organization has been proposed. If sufficient environmental protection measures are not present at the regional or international level, national policies must be implemented to handle trade-related environmental concerns. Keywords: international trade, industry, environment, degradation, pollution.
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- Dieneke Ferguson and Ors., Dangerous Curves: Does the Environment Improve with Economic Growth? (Gland: WWF-International, 1996).
- Duncan Brack, “Guide to the Issues” in Duncan Brack, ed., Trade and Environment: Conflict or Compatibility? (London: Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1998), pp. l-17.
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Nair. (December,2022). International Trade and Environmental Protection. IPEM LAW JOURNAL, 6, 1-8.