One Sun, One World, One Grid

One Sun, One World, One Grid

Author Details

1. Mr. Rahul Sharma, Research Scholar, University of Lucknow

Energy from fossil fuels results in pollution. Also it is not durable. There is a lot of discussion around the world about clean energy sources. Solar energy is considered a potential alternative to traditional energy sources. The untapped potential of the Sun is well known. How much energy does humanity use in a year? The same amount of energy reaches the Earth from the Sun in an hour. The idea behind the Sun, One World, One Grid (OSOWOG) initiative is the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. It was tabled at the first assembly of the International Maura Alliance (ISA) in October 2018. For this he had called for connecting solar energy supply across borders. In May 2021, the UK and India agreed to join hands for the Green Grid Initiative and the One Sun, One World, One Grid initiative and jointly launch the GGIOSWOG at the SAOP26 summit to be hosted by the UK in Glasgow in November 2021. Had expressed. The UK India Virtual Summit initiative was launched in May 2021, during COP-26COP. 83 ISA member states have supported the initiative. ISA and the World Bank are supporting the implementation of the initiative. It has been started under the technical assistance program of the World Bank. Britain has introduced the 'Green Grid' concept of One Sun, One World, One Grid. The main objective of this concept is to develop a 'trans-national electricity grid' supplying solar energy across the world. In terms of economic benefit sharing, it is one of the most ambitious schemes of global importance ever launched by any country. The solar spectrum can be divided into two broad regions globally, which are: The Far East, countries such as Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Lao, Cambodia are the Middle East and Africa region, which covers the Far West.


COP, Energy, Green Grid, OSOWOG, Solar Energy.
  4. environment journal 2022,
  6. Yojana magazine March,2019

Sharma. (December, 2022). One Sun, One World, One Grid.IPEM LAW JOURNAL, 6, 96-101.