The Environmental Governance: Theory and Practice in Contemporary World

The Environmental Governance: Theory and Practice in Contemporary World

Author Details

1. Dr. Mahendra Jung Shah, Judge Advocate Colonel, Nepal Army

Governance is the process and action of authority under the rule of law on particular subjects. Environmental governance consists of laws, rules, guidelines, norms, and practices that determine to manage and oversee the affairs of a person, which is responsible for making sustainability and controlling all human activities referring to the environment. Environmental governance includes entire natural and human activity which means an alternative structure of governance in the modern world. There are many complexities and challenging situations of environmental governance, which include climate change and loss of biodiversity created by technology, governance, and the authorization as modern needs. There are many environmental laws, however, can't balance development and the environment for governance. The environmental governance includes all ranges of social, financial, and political life as a detachment of the environment that highlights the relationship of humans to the ecosystems and selling the transition. There are numerous environmental issues, which draw our attention through finance, consumption, biodiversity, population, pollution, and agriculture. Similarly, challenges dealing with environmental governance encompass insufficient continental and international agreements and concern between development, sustainable improvement, and protection of the environmental system. The environmental governance can be leveled into multi-tier governance; those cannot scale along with soil deterioration, climate alternate, biodiversity, water, ozone layer, nuclear danger, transgenic organisms, precautionary precept, socio-environmental conflicts, and orbital debris. There are multilateral conventions and actors, which are working for environmental governance but are criticized for tension, contradictions, and incompatibility. It's far deemed required for coherence, coordination, democratization, institutional reform, schooling, rework, and rethinking of policies and rules.


biodiversity, ecosystem, environment, governance, coherence, coordination, and democratization.
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Shah. (December,2022). The Environmental Governance: Theory and Practice in Contemporary World. IPEM LAW JOURNAL, 6, 23-34.